Local government autonomy refers to the ability of local governments to manage their affairs independently, free from external interference.It involves the devolution of power and responsibilities from central or state governments to local authorities, allowing them to make decisions and implement policies tailored to their specific needs and circumstances.

In Nigeria, local government autonomy is enshrined in the Constitution, but is often limited by the dominance of state governors over local government funds and decision-making processes. 

This has led to controversy over the extent to which local governments can truly exercise autonomy. Some argue that the current system is an aberration and that substantial autonomy is necessary for local governments to effectively serve their constituents.

In practice, local governments in Nigeria are responsible for providing basic amenities such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. However, their autonomy is often curtailed by the need for central or state government grants and subsidies, which can dictate their development plans and policy directions.

The concept of local government autonomy is closely tied to the principles of decentralization and grassroots democracy. It is seen as a means to bring government closer to the people, increase opportunities for political participation, and foster inclusive governance.

This concept is very much needed because governors has for the past Decade impose on the people who they want for all the local government chairman positions and counselor positions, In a recent post on the punch news paper website in Nigeria which was titled "FG drags governors to supreme court, seeks LG autonomy"  the federal government had to drag the 36 governors to court for them to accept the Local Government autonomy Concept, which until today some state governor's has not even accepted or come to address the situation. 

Dear 36 state governor accept the Local Government autonomy and let the local government select their own leaders and grow.

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.