Today, we gather to commemorate Democracy Day, a day that marks a significant milestone in our nation's history. It has been 25 years since we embarked on this journey of democracy, a journey that promised freedom, justice, and prosperity for all Nigerians. As we reflect on this quarter-century of democratic rule, we must acknowledge the pain and suffering that many of our citizens have endured.

Our democracy was born out of the ashes of military rule, a period marked by repression and the silencing of our voices. We hoped that democracy would bring about a new dawn, where the rights of every Nigerian would be respected and our collective aspirations realized. Yet, as we stand here today, it is clear that the promise of democracy remains unfulfilled for many.
Our people have faced immense hardship. From the bustling streets of Lagos to the farmlands of Benue, the cries of the oppressed echo across our land. Unemployment continues to plague our youth, robbing them of their dreams and potential. Our healthcare system remains in a state of disrepair, leaving the sick and vulnerable without the care they desperately need. Education, the cornerstone of any prosperous society, is out of reach for too many children, denying them the opportunity to build a better future.

The scourge of corruption has eaten into the fabric of our society, diverting resources meant for development into the pockets of a few. Our infrastructure crumbles before our eyes, with roads that are impassable and power that is unreliable. Insecurity has become a constant companion, with violence and crime tearing apart the very fabric of our communities. Boko Haram in the North-East, banditry in the North-West, herdsmen conflicts in the Middle-Belt, and kidnappings in the South-East and South-West have left countless families grieving and living in fear.

We must confront these painful truths if we are to honor the spirit of democracy. Democracy is not merely the act of voting; it is the assurance that every citizen can live with dignity and hope. It is the belief that our government serves the people, not the other way around. It is the promise that we all have a stake in the future of our nation.

Today, I call upon our leaders to listen to the voices of the people. The cries of the hungry, the pleas of the unemployed, and the demands of the marginalized cannot be ignored. We need policies that prioritize the welfare of our citizens over the interests of the powerful. We need transparency and accountability in governance to root out corruption and build trust. We need to invest in our infrastructure, healthcare, and education systems to create a foundation for sustainable development.

But beyond policy, we need a renewal of our collective spirit. We must reignite the flames of unity and patriotism that carried us through the dark days of military rule. We must stand together, not as individuals divided by ethnic, religious, or regional lines, but as one people committed to the progress of our nation. Our strength lies in our diversity, and our resilience in our unity.

To my fellow Nigerians, I urge you to remain steadfast in your belief in democracy. Let us hold our leaders accountable, participate actively in the democratic process, and never lose hope in the promise of a better Nigeria. The road ahead may be long and fraught with challenges, but together, we can build a nation where every citizen has the opportunity to thrive.

As we commemorate this Democracy Day, let us honor the sacrifices of those who fought for our freedom by committing ourselves to the hard work of nation-building. Let us ensure that the next 25 years of our democracy are marked by progress, inclusivity, and justice for all.

May God bless Nigeria and guide us on this journey toward a brighter future.

Thank you.