Every Tertiary Institution in Nigeria admits almost 7000 students every year or more that means in every Tertiary Institution we have at least 40,000 students in Nigeria. 

We have over 170 universities , Over 88 polytechnic , Over 81 college of education and other institution owned by both the state and federal government, which means we have over 20 million Nigerian youths in our tertiary institution in Nigeria.

The Question is how many of them have there PVC ? Let's say we have like 4 million of them who are not ineligible to vote because they are not up to 18 years of age, but we still have over 16 million who will be able to get their PVC and vote. 

The Nigerian Student have a great role to play in this coming election, we need to get our PVC and vote for change. We are all tried of ASUU Strike which have been a yearly thing. It's time to vote out bad leader's and vote in leaders who value education and the future of the Nigerian youths.

At this point I want to beg Nigerian Student to please go get your PVC and not just get it on voting day go out and vote.

