As the nation prepares and searches for a credible candidate ahead of the 2023 General election, one man the his name rings a bell, who is ready to take the mantle of leadership in the Red Chamber seat of power is Hon.Sylvanus Igbogbo, the President and founder of Igbogbo FOUNDATION.

For a man whose business acumen and philanthropic outreach cut across the Esanland, whose quantum of wealth he has acquired is channeled as key economic engine to pursue the strategic development and growth of Nigeria and Africa in general, shows that there is no one better and eminently qualified to become Edo Central Senatorial’s Senator in 2023.

His foundation, IGBOGBO FOUNDATION has touched lives in monumental ways that is beyond any foundation in Esanland.

At a time when Esanland yearns for someone of pedigree and one who can change the scope of things within the landscape of Esanland, hon.sylvanus Igbogbo is the answer.

Already, Hon.sylvanus Igbogbo has all answers to myriads of Esanland’s many problems, that look insurmountable, but the answer lies in his mantra ‘VISION FOR A PROSPEROUS ESANLAND IS H.E.AL’ brings the solution to all these issues bedeviling the Esanland.

To Hon.sylvanus Igbogbo what his name HEAL means are; Health, Education, Agriculture-Industrialization, National Integration brings the needed cutting edge in taking the country to highest level where it will compete favourably with counterparts in the world.

According to hon.sylvanus Igbogbo, he believes that with H.E.A.L., you become hon.sylvanus Igbogbo and that hon.sylvanus Igbogbo means “strong and wealthy”.

What the above summation means is that for Esanland and its people if SYLVANUS IGBOGBO becomes the Edo Central’s Senator in 2023, The economy will be Strong and Wealthy as its policies will promote indigenous technological advancement, to massively realize local productivity and enable export-driven trade.

Esanland will be strong and wealthy as it will also produce what she consume and consume what she produce.

 Sylvanus Igbogbo believes in Esanland developing capacity to earn local trust, and foreign confidence to join the world’s most creative economic leagues like G20 and to be a friend of G7.

To him, when you are able to collaborate with differential capacities to enable your Esanland produce more, sell more, save more, invest more and consume less, you create innovative jobs for citizens today and tomorrow.

 Henry J writes from Uromi